My Story

Empower Network Mpwr
2 min readAug 19, 2019

I met a guy , grew to care about him , I was young and naive , I was a young mother with 3 small kids. I was in this relationship with this guy for 2 years. For a year and a half I was fighting for my life. I was blaming myself every time I got hit , I blamed it on me , I felt i did something wrong , even though he drank and was a abusive man. I would wake up late every night with a fist in my face , or i would get thrown across the room like I was a rag doll. I was afraid but I didn’t yet see the light. It was the day he broke a wooden bed slat in half and hit my 3 year old baby boy with is . I had to go , I couldn’t stop him he was much stronger the me , so I had to plan it out carefully , and that’s what I did. I almost didn’t get away , he followed me to the payphone that day , he was about to hit me in public , which wouldn’t really have mattered. But when he tried to hold me back I headbutted him in the nose , grabbed my babies took off running and never looked back. I lost everything , my apartment , everything me and my babies owned , everything just to get away from the life we were living before we died. And here I am 23 years later , I don’t have to carry the bruises or worry about my kids being hit anymore. But I do have the memories burned in my brain forever. it’s not easy forgetting , not sure if I ever will. But at least I know i’m safe. So if your in a bad situation and you are afraid , please, Please i’m begging you get out while you’re still alive. I’m one of the lucky ones , You can be too. There are a lot of people out there that can help you. if you are staying because he says “ he loves you and wont do it again” hes lying , it won’t stop , it will just get worse. So for anyone who is struggling , wake up , get you a plan in place and get out. The one day when you’er a survivor , you can share your story with me. #EmpowerNetwork Domestic Violence Awareness

